NMS Schedule Process
- Reviewed the non-negotiables and wants as determined by the 22-23 scheduling committee team.
- Identified the areas to improve from the current schedule:
- PLC Time
- Duty Time Equity
- Stagnant Lunches
- Later Lunch Times
- Reviewed the previous NMS schedules.
- Researched other area school district schedules.
- Developed the draft schedule.
- Met with Department Heads.
- Presented to faculty; Revised (4/11)
- Presented to faculty; Revised (5/9)
- Presented to faculty; Revised (6/3)
- Final Draft (6/6)
NMS Schedule Must-Haves
- DESE has set minutes for time on learning that schools must adhere to for compliance.
- Need three 30-min lunch blocks to meet the teacher contract to have 30-min lunch periods.
- Teachers need planning periods of a minimum of 45-minutes.
- Teachers cannot teach more than five blocks a day.
- Arrival over 20-min homeroom to accommodate the buses.
- Arrival 20-minute arrival allows for breakfast.
- Intervention block to support students more individualized needs.
NMS Schedule Wants
- Rotation in the schedule to that way the same class does not occur in the same block of time daily. This capitalizes on students strengths in performance across the day.
- Additional intervention time throughout the day versus the previous single stagnant period.
- Music ensembles (orchestra, band) to have greater flexibility in the schedule.
What I Need: WIN block
- Provide students with opportunities to receive targets interventions and supports to address their individualized learning needs.
- Special Education service delivery
- Repetitious instruction
- Expanded concept knowledge
- Executive functioning supports
NMS Schedule Description
- 6 day- 6 block
- Class length 53-54 minutes
- Rotation
- Prep
- Duty for all
- Grade Level PLC
- Duty equitable
- Stagnant Lunch
- Advisory
- What I Need (WIN)
- 26 minutes
- Connected to academic block to count as time on learning
- Only in the morning
Bell Schedule
Unified Arts: UAs
- Physical Education
- Art
- Music
- Health
- Research and Technical Writing
- STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
- UA once per day
- Additional UA rotation
- PE Year Round
Library Media Center
Library Media:
- Open for HR
- Provide WIN coverage
- Three Co-Teaching Blocks
- Administrative Block
- Advisory one per grade rotate through the cycle (one block)
Sample Schedule
Advisory, Duty, PLC Block (5th block)
- Duty will rotate with the schedule
- One duty within rotation.
- Start/End of day duties will be shared equitably.
- 2x per 6 cycle
- Grade Level/ Cluster
- Curriculum
Advisory Blocks:
- Academic Support
- Ensembles
- SE service delivery
- Unified Activities
- Social Skills Groups
- Executive Function
- Additional student work completion
Additional Information
- Student schedules released Monday, August 19, 2024
- Parent Schedule Meeting: Tuesday, August 20, 2024 at 5:00 PM
- Release a NMS family training video